A large number of the dogs in Nosara have recently be afflicted with a respiratory disorder characterized by coughing and a nasal discharge. Typically we might think of common canine kennel cough or bordetella infection. This year throughout the world another respiratory disease has emerged, a new influenza strain termed canine influenza or dog flu.
While both diseases are respiratory infections with the common symptom a of severe cough, canine influenza often is more severe with a thick nasal discharge, fever, decreased appetite and possible vomiting. Some dogs have died from canine influenza but most recover with treatment. Kennel cough is a milder disease than canine flu, both are highly contagious to other dogs so affected animals are best kept home until several days after symptoms disappear.
Treatment is similar for both diseases. Antibiotics are recommended for the dangerous secondary bacterial infections that often complicate these diseases. A cough suppressant is used to stop the cyclic nature of the cough and allow for healing of a very sore and inflamed throat. The course of these respiratory diseases is 10 - 14 days though the cough can hang on longer, in some cases up to 30 days.
Local veterinarians are recommending the following:
– Antibiotics
– Cough Suppressant
* AVOID anything marketed as a cough and cold formula containing Tylenol (very toxic to dogs and cats)
For more info call 2682-0808 or visit www.NosaraAnimalCare.com