As a result, the following health benefits of sex have been found:
1) According to a study conducted at Queens University in Belfast, Ireland, it’s been proven that having sex three or more times a week reduces the risk of a fatal heart attack by half.
2) Having sex increases immunoglobulin A or IgA levels, an antibody that can protect you from getting colds and other infections. In addition, several studies have shown a 30% boost in the body’s immunological response.
3) It reduces stress and lowers blood pressure.
4) It helps you shed those extra pounds! According to the intensity, thirty minutes of sex may burn between 55 and 200 calories.
5) Although most people wish to achieve an orgasm, there is an added benefit to it. During orgasm the hormone oxytocin is secreted, promoting sleep. Endorphins are also released, decreasing pain (headache or arthritis pain, among others).
6) Endocrinologists at New York’s Columbia University have discovered that menstrual cycles of women who have sex at least once a week are more regular.
7) Having sex boosts feelings of well-being and self-satisfaction. Don’t be surprised if others perceive you as being more confident.
8) It helps prevent prostate cancer! According to the American Medical Association (AMA) men with frequent ejaculations have a lower risk of getting prostate cancer.
9) In women, sex strengthens lower pelvic muscles, providing better support for the uterus and bladder, giving women a better control over urine flow.
10) Having sex promotes longevity. Many physicians, such as doctor Mehmet Oz, famous in Latin America and the United States for his best-selling books and TV show that focus on health issues, claim that having regular sex helps people live longer lives.
11) Having sex makes people happy and happy people function and do better in all aspects of their life!
12) According to Dr. David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, a healthy and active sex life slows down and delays the aging process. A balanced diet, plenty of sunscreen and regular sex will surely keep you away from the doctor’s office!
Although it is a well-known fact that a healthy sex life provides many health benefits remember that you must always protect your partner and yourself from any sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Next time you are having sex, remember that you are not only getting a moment’s worth of pleasure but great benefits for your health.
Young People
Desire Self-Esteem Over Sex
By María José Zamora, M.D.
According to a study published on January 11th, 2011 in the Journal of Personality, experiences that boost self-esteem are of greater importance for young people than other pleasurable activities such as sex, eating or spending time with friends.
Researchers from New York’s Brookhaven National Laboratory and Ohio State University were surprised by these findings, which showed the ever-increasing role of self-esteem in society where, in order to obtain it, people are willing to leave aside other pleasant and rewarding activities. Therefore, experiences that boost self-esteem, such as receiving a compliment, being promoted or succeeding on a test or work-related task are now preferred over having sex, receiving money, drinking, and seeing family or friends.
The study shows that, as a result of society’s characteristics and high demands, it has become extremely important for young people to seek ways to increase their own well-being and self-worth in order to find an easy way out of their personal or work-related problems. According to Brad Bushman, co-author of the study, people tend to think “If we feel better about ourselves, the problems that affect us would disappear or never happen”.
Although self-esteem is a desirable and fundamental aspect of every person’s life, researchers believe that extreme levels may lead to narcissism, causing people to replace or leave aside healthy and beneficial activities, such as sex, enjoying a nice meal or promoting their interpersonal relations in their never-ending quest for self-satisfaction. |