February was a quiet month for swell, especially compared to the previous months. The beginning of the month, even Playa Guiones almost went flat….almost. As the winds came in again a few smaller swells filled in towards the middle of the month, with another El Niño fuelled larger swell hitting towards the end.
The winds following a similar pattern as the previous month, driven by the period of cold weather (mostly blizzards) across the Eastern US. The winds persisted all day, dropping slightly through the middle of the day as the land heated up. When the wind came, the middle of the day by far had the best conditions, especially because there was only one or two people in the water, keep checking it all day when the winds come, because allot of people are missing some great surf. The winds are strongest in the morning and the evening as the land is cooler.
El Niño is set to decline over the next few months (March April May) to a moderate event, but the forecast is still for a strong effect on storms and therefore swell over this period.
This page brought to you by Innocent Surf School.