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Proposed Regulatory Plan for Canton of Nicoya Available for Your Inspection
People Have Until March 9th to Voice Questions and Concerns 

By Arianna McKinney
Time is ticking. Inhabitants of the Canton of Nicoya were given just 10 working days to review the proposed regulatory plan, ask any questions they may have and respond with observations or concerns after the plan was presented during a public audience at the Polideportivo arena in Nicoya on Saturday, February 25th. 

The regulatory plan is what determines what can and cannot be done in each area of the canton. The proposed plan overall includes 3.1% urban zones, 70.9% rural zones, 7.2% touristic areas and 18.8% classified as areas of protection or areas under special regimen.

To see the maps click here

The public audience began at 10 a.m., during which the plan was presented, the audience was provided with 15 minutes intermission to examine the maps and place questions or concerns in boxes and 10 minutes for these to be read. Two members of the audience took advantage of the five minutes provided for oral comments to express concerns about the limited time being given for the public to provide input into something so important. The session concluded around 2:30 p.m. About 75 were in attendance.

“It wasn’t what we expected as citizens,” commented David Caravaca, syndic for the district of Mansion. “More time is needed. Ten minutes isn’t sufficient to give our opinion.”

The proposal comes as the result of a two-year study by Inypsa, a Spanish company contracted to gather data, provide diagnostics and prognostics based on the data and prepare the proposal. 

However, Jose Fernandez, representative of Inypsa in Costa Rica, explained that the proposal really belongs to the municipality, as the company has been working with a seven-person regulatory plan commission composed of municipal officials, municipal council members and community representatives. At times, he noted, the recommendations of the company and municipal interests were not in agreement and compromises had to be reached. For example, some zones recommended as green zones appear on the proposed plan as areas for tourism development, such as an area by the Tempisque River. Likewise, Eduardo Arnaez, administrator for ASADA in Samara, noted that a portion of the town’s main water source, the water table of Mala Noche, is zoned for tourism.  

Concerns may be expressed in writing by email to [email protected] or at the Maritime Land Zone (ZMT—Zona Maritimo Terrestre) office at the Municipality in Nicoya. Documents related to the regulatory plan are available for review at the ZMT office. The maps are also available for download on VON’s website here. Afterward, the regulatory plan commission and Inypsa will have 15 working days to respond to the consultations and clear up doubts.


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Attorney Files Appeal Against Nicoya's Regulatory Plan

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Thefts in Nosara and Garza Foiled

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Second Field Fire in Two Days

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Communities Voice Concerns about Proposed Regulatory Plan
Commission Will Hold Meeting to Review Observations on March 23rd

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OIJ Investigates Compay's Death

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Interview with Legislator Claudio Monge (PAC)
“The MOPT is not interested in budgeting money for Route 160, there are no mega tourism developments there"

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Coastal Territories Law Will Reward Illegal Activities at Ostional's Wildlife Refuge

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Nosara Red Cross
Emergency Doctors

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Sick of Dust
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• 186 from Nosara have respiratory problems per month

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Project to Asphalt Route 160 Not Progressing
• Asphalting the Roadway Promised Since 2007

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