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“Maybe the next government will do it”.
Arias passes the buck on Samara-Nosara’s paved road

By Emiliana García

Arias' personal body guard suspiciously looks at VON reporter Emiliana Garcia when she asks “Where is the money from the BID, Don Oscar?” Photo by Marvin Castillo.

Arias wasn’t expecting to be directly asked about the BID loan and it seems he “choked” inside his t-shirt.Photo by Marvin Castillo.

Seconds later, Arias still doesn’t know how to escape from this uncomfortable situation. Photo by Marvin Castillo.

Last Thursday April 22nd, the community of Nosara received a visit from the President of the Republic, Oscar Arias, to officially inaugurate the airfield. During his visit representatives of EBAIS, The Red Cross and other public entities delivered him letters that expressed their urgent need to receive improvements and aid.

The President of the recently formed Nosara Chamber of Tourism, Maria Elena Paniagua, also gave him a document in which they thanked him for having financed the design of the highway from Samara to Nosara. The document also asked him to include the paving project in the second phase of the agenda in the Pan-american Bank of Development (BID) loan to Costa Rica. Paniagua, while delivering the letter to Arias, implored aid with the highway, to which the president responded: “It’s already coming, I am leaving [the administration], but the next government will do it”.

  Ex President Oscar Arias' reaction when VON reporter asks about the loan from the Banco Interamericando de Desarrollo to finance the paving of the Samara-Nosara route.

Said loan is for 850 million dollars and is still “in pause” in the Legislative Assembly.

When The Voice of Nosara asked the head of state when the loan to finance the project will arrive, Arias responded: “You know that our emblem in Parliament and our Legislative Assembly is a “sloth”.

Everything moves to the rhythm of a sloth, so everything is very slow. Nevertheless, perhaps it is possible that it will arrive sooner than later”.

Thus, without making any further statements and after taking photos with the locals, Oscar Arias said goodbye to Nosara, promising that the next time he visits us it won’t be in a light aircraft, but in car.
VON asked, “With the paved road?” and Oscar Arias, responded: “We are going to see if that is feasible. We are paving many roads, but this one remains unpaved”.


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