Nosara Wildlife Rescue, the program which has become a model for monkey rescue and rehabilitation since its founding in 1998, has been receiving injured or orphaned monkeys from across Costa Rica. However, the weak economy has caused a dire shortage of funding which threatens efforts to care for 25 monkeys (and other non-primates) in the process of being returned to the wild.
The Costa Rican nonprofit is comprised of Refugio Animales de Nosara and SIBU Sanctuary, which together provide a full service operation for rescuing monkeys and other injured wildlife, providing care and a step-down release program for reintegration back into the wild. It also raises funds to insulate electrical junctions, the overwhelming source of monkey electrocutions resulting in horrific suffering, maiming and deaths.
The rescue program has depended on donations the hard work and dedication of Refugio’s Brenda Bombard and SIBUs Steve and Vickie Coan and their personal funds, as well to meet annual operating expenses of $135,000. The Coans were forced to lay off an employee, and are faced with caring for the monkeys, cleaning their habitat, and twice a day gathering and processing 8 species of fresh leaves for food, many outside of their property as well as the preparation of supplemental foods, habitat maintenance, etc., etc., etc.
At the Refugio Animales de Nosara, Bombard works with veterinary and wildlife experts and has seven adolescents awaiting transition to SIBU Sanctuary, and nine infants who need to be hand fed.She is down to one worker who helps with the daily chores and between the two of them, are with the babies 24/7.
Nosara Wildlife is receiving monkeys from all over the country and four to six more expected by September. Infants howlers must be a minimum of 1½ years of age before transfer from the Refutgo to Sibu Sanctuary and then another year there to insure appropriate size and strength to compete in the wild before release is considered.
Nosara Wildlife has sent out an urgent plea for cash donations, as well as for food items for infants, such as Isomil powdered soy, or a Vita Mix high speed blender to process their leaves. Also needed is a used golf cart to aid in gathering leaves, and building supplies for another habitat. A list of other needs can be found at
Tax deductible gifts can be designated to Nosara Wildlife and made through the registered non-profit Friends of Nosara, with mailing and Paypal information at:
Gifts can be transferred directly from a US bank account to Friends of Nosara by contacing Mike Olson at [email protected]
For information on how to donate in Costa Rica contact:
Sibu Sanctuary
Steve & Vicki Coan
Phone: (506)2682-1474 or 8866-4652
Email: [email protected]
Refugio Animales de Nosara
Brenda Bombard
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (506)2682-0059 |