Many of us thirst for deeper meaning in our lives. We want success, happiness and peace of mind. With all of life’s challenges and constant shifts, every now and again, we may need a little extra help figuring this all out. But reaching out for help isn’t always so easy; where do we begin? How should the process start? It’s comforting to know there are teachers and leaders answering these questions; individuals who have dedicated their lives to helping us achieve a sense of purpose, find a deeper joy in life and teach us how to embrace life with ease. |
John Perkins |
Lucky for us, four of them recently taught at Blue Spirit and for four consecutive Mondays shared their wisdom with the Nosara Community at the Yoga House. Here are some of their thoughts:
Put the Self Aside to Serve Others: All four teachers urge us to do what it takes to help others whether sharing generously with family, neighbors, coworkers, or friends or giving back to the larger community. John Perkins took this concept one step further by suggesting that we put aside selfish ways to help protect the planet and the environment for future generations. “Taking care of our diminishing resources requires lots of motivation but is ultimately a courageous act that is very rewarding,” Perkins said. Likewise, giving back to the community, serving others or the environment is great way to take the focus off minor self-centered concerns and find a deeper meaning in life.
Learn From Our Elders: The practices and teachings from indigenous cultures has inspired all four teachers. They have traveled widely to record thoughts, history, customs and teachings of native elders and sages around the world. What have they learned? Follow the wisdom of the heart, find at least one thing to be grateful for every day, practice compassion, and take time to foster good meaningful relationships with “the tribe” or with family, loved ones and friends.
Fulfill Your Life’s Purpose: When we figure out what we are called to do in life and take action toward fulfilling that purpose we are taking steps achieve our highest potential. All four teachers suggested meditation and to help us get in touch with our passion and mission in life. Find a mentor or coach or read books with tools to help figure out your purpose. Why is having a purpose so important? Richard Leider answers this question: “The cornerstone of a good life, a healthy life, and a creative life is purpose. When all else seems unsettled, uncertain, or impermanent, purpose gives us the will not just to live, but to live long and well.”
Trust in the Process and Embrace Change: Joan Borysenko summed this one up perfectly, “Fulfillment and joy arise naturally from the capacity to be present to life as it's unfolding. Listen for and discern the best possibilities in any situation, with informal enlightened, compassionate action.” One way to foster trust in the process is to embrace the unknown and, when uncertainty arises, find positive or meaningful lessons in all of life’s ups and downs.
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