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ASADA Nosara elects New Board of Directors
Old meter prices and water taps could return

By Fritz Elmendorf
At the Feb. 22 annual meeting of the water board (Asada) for the American Project, a new president was elected and outgoing President Rick Walker revealed some news for returning the ASADA to a sound financial structure.

In response to Walker’s request, the assembled water meter holders voted twice by overwhelming majorities to request that the previous rate structures for usage and new hookups be reinstated.  Walker said that he had been told two days before the meeting, by a lawyer representing the government’s regulatory agency for water, the AyA, that such a resolution might be recognized by the agency.

He expressed some guarded optimism that AyA would recognize the resolutions expressing the desires of the local water users. Otherwise, he said, the ASADA's efforts over the past two years to hire lawyers and consulting firms to pursue a more formal and bureaucratic process to gain approval for the higher rates was "stuck in the mud."

It was the AyA, as well as the government’s pricing regulator, ARESEP, that two years ago informed the local ASADA that it didn’t have the authority to charge the rates that are substantially higher than allowed for other ASADA that provide water to local communities. 

For two years, the Asada has asked water users to voluntarily pay the old rate, and 74% have done so. Along with substantial budget cutting, the ASADA concluded the last fiscal year with a $6,600 deficit, paid for out of current reserves of $90,000, according to Treasurer John Ermatinger. He reported that the deficit, out of a total annual budget of $216,000 last year, could be eliminated if the ASADA is successful in applying for an electricity rate reduction which it is entitled to. 

The annual electric bill from pumping water over an extended area to 3 tank fields and 550 users is just over $50,000 annually, and the ASADA is only legally authorized to charge a total of $60,000 in usage fees according to the normal rate structure. Voluntary payments totaled $144,000 of the budget, Ermatinger reported.

While the Asada has kept the water flowing amidst the budget cuts, it lacks the reserves to tap new water fields for future growth. Two established wells, one 40 years old, recently began sputtering, which caused water outages and threatens additional water outages until a new well can be dug. Walker reported that the system has held up better than he anticipated, and additional overnight shutoffs have so far been avoided. He has repeatedly pointed to water used for gardening as a burden on the system, especially when the system is under stress.

The new well, authorized at an emergency meeting of the ASADA, is expected to be online by the beginning of March.

The meeting concluded with elections, with about 45 of a total of 550 water meter owners present. Local real estate agent Chicki YanIz was elected president, for a two year term. Other officers are:
Vice President: Peter Burke
Secretary: Karen Haskins
Treasurer: John Ermatinger (imcumbent)
Fiscal: Lilly Adams
Vocals: Heida Cronquist, Carl Wells, and Olivier Von der Weid.


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