The Boca Nosara, or Nosara rivermouth, is the physical divide between Playa Pelada's northernmost headland, and the seldom visited Playa Nosara. As the union of the Rio Nosara and Rio Montaña, and with an extensive network of mangroves, la Boca, as it is commonly known, also serves as the heart of all the biodiversity in the greater area of Nosara. It is home to both resident and migratory birds, salt and freshwater fish, and a peculiarly prehistoric reptile, the American Crocodile. There are many faces to the Boca, and those who spend time on the rivers week after week quickly learn that the only constant out there is change.
Looking east from the rivermouth, early morning.
Golden and peaceful, approaching the Rio Montaña, early morning.
View from the mountains.
Early morning activity, dry season.
Line fishing with pelicans heading south.
Egrets against the aerial prop roots of the red mangrove.
Roseate spoonbill.
Deep in the mangroves of the Rio Montana.
Bare throated Tiger Heron, stalking.
Innovative fisherman rides tree trunk from one side to the other.
Fierce, angular storm front moves in, wet season.