Effective March 8th, some roles have changed and some new members have been added to the board of directors for the Samara Development Association.
Luis Humberto Acosta Fajardo was talked into continuing as president, but now Pedro Diaz Muñoz, formerly a vocal, has assumed the responsibility of vice president. Elias Mora Villalobos remains the treasurer and Blanca Nieves Acosta Lopez continues serving as secretary. Former fiscal Maruja Cecilia Mora Ledezma and the previous vice president, Albano Medina Caravaca are now serving as vocals, along with Flor Maria Acosta Carrillo. Three new people have stepped up to fill the roles of fiscal: Jose Felix Acosta Lopez, Jose Garardo de Jesus Arias Bonilla and Xinia Garcia Mendoza.
Projects currently in the works include creating a wall and installing a water tank in the Buena Vista cemetery and completing the construction of the bridge to Chinampas, which has been delayed due to financial issues. Acosta explained that some materials were received by syndic Bonifacio Diaz, who is president of the neighborhood board for Chinampas, that can't be used in an area prone to seismic activity, and it is also difficult to resell the materials, so more funds must be obtained to finish the project.
Other projects on the table for this year are the creation of a second water well in San Fernando for the San Bosco area, building a community hall in Barco Quebrado and assisting with erecting a retaining wall at the school in Samara.