Photo by Pinar Istek
Samples taken from Sube y Baja creek in Nosara revealed that the water is free of contamination, allaying concerns about possible pollution from the nearby gas station.
The Nosara Civic Association (NCA) and the Playas de Nosara ASADA executed the water test with the help from Chemlabs, a private company that provides environmental analysis services. The test was funded by NCA.
Sube y Baja creek was chosen to take the samples from because of its proximity to the gas station. The gas station was opened in December of 2010 after eight years of opposition from the NCA to having a gas station at that location since it was possibly considered a wetland area.
The test was executed on November 27, 2012 to see whether there are petroleum remnants in the water. According to the evaluations, there is no contamination that would be caused by the gas station.
According to Marcel Schaerer, who at the time was president of the NCA and is currently vocal, “The test is basic. The idea is to repeat the test every year to see how the results change.”
Alan Barrantes Venegas, the owner of the gas station, said as long as there is water in the creek, they do monthly analysis to protect it. He also added “We always use a water treatment plant to recycle the water from the gas station,” and he suggests that all businesses should do the same. |