June takes off like a rocket-opening our minds and offering visions of a new world emerging. Expect to navigate twists, turns and surprises. It is time to create grounded shifts in personal and professional matters that will ensure lasting transitions.
When expansive Jupiter moves into Aries on the 7th, our primal side comes out to play. Instincts grow stronger. Opportunity knocks. Use your will to reign in your most drastic urges, be brave and honest. Avoid aggression and actions that are ego driven. Get out and DO something!
On the 8th Mars moves into Virgo, asking us to scrutinize our methods and strategies… look at daily routines and question the details. How can we be more efficient? Cut the wheat from the chafe. Get to work removing any obstacle that is preventing you from reaching your goals.
Mercury moves into Gemini on the 11th, and our minds become quick, agile, curious, witty. Use this lightness to gain clarity around emotional issues. If you feel scattered, seek out an exciting environment full of newness and opportunities for exploration. Banter, laugh. socialize!
The new moon falls on the 12th in Gemini, asking us to spend a moment in meditation and get realistic about transformation and growth. Try and focus on one thing at a time. Be bold, but avoid haste. Use this energy to move towards your dreams, making sure that they are feasible, possible, and your best option for the future.
When Venus moves into Leo on the 15th we can all let our hair down and have a bit of fun. Live generously, amorously, extravagantly. Dance, sing, dress up and feel beautiful. Treat yourself to something special. Take a minute to play!
The full moon on the 26th is a powerful lunar eclipse, and there is the potential for major transformation in our lives over the next 3 months. Political structures, world economics and natural disasters are some of the areas highlighted. Upheaval is possible on a personal and global scale. Let go of insecurities that have held you back. Release fears. Commit to being stronger, more genuine. Hold on tight as we begin to ride this tidal wave of change.
Please email me at [email protected] for a private session. adoringaphrodite.com
