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Nosara’s urban roads will receive maintenance – Bad Weather has Restricted the Arrival of Machinery
By Oliver Pérez

The strong rains at the end of May destroyed Nosara’s main roads but, according to the Mayor of Nicoya, Luis Eduardo Gutiérrez Rosales, the Municipalidad is already working on their repair and maintenance. He mentioned that the Los Arenales area has already been inspected and that, according to this year’s budget, ¢800,000 colones will be assigned to it.

“We are working on that part of Nosara, and we have already awarded a contract to the company that will continue the work in other communities,” explained Gutiérrez to the VON.

The funds that are being invested come from Law 8114 of Tax Simplification and Efficiency – a flat tax on gasoline that is assigned to the Municipalidades for the maintenance of streets and roads.

The implementation of these repairs is carried out, preferably, under the participating method for civil works. As is established by the regulations of this Law, the assignment of resources is proposed by the Concejo Municipal (Town Council) and the Junta Vial Cantonal.

The Mayor mentioned that the company that was awarded the maintenance works is Tractores San Antonio.

How are the funds allocated?
The biggest part of the budget, which is for the rehabilitation and construction of the drainage of the Zaragoza-Nosara road, is ¢10 million colones.

In addition, ¢4.6 million colones have been assigned for the biannual maintenance of the road between downtown Nosara and Santa Teresita; an additional ¢2.6 million colones will be used for the road between Garza and Las Delicias and the crossroads between Ostional and Los Ángeles will receive ¢2.5 million colones.

The Mayor explained that the area’s residents must understand that the machinery has been unable to arrive due to bad weather but, once the weather allows them to move forward, they will gradually do so.


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"My dream is to begin an art movement” says artist Fernando Matamoros

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New Cell Phone Tower – Pros and Cons for Nosara

On Tuesday, June 8th, ICE installed a new telecommunications tower providing coverage across a circumference of 3 kilometers from its base on Las Huacas mountain overlooking Playa Guiones, expanding 3G service from as far as Barco Quebrado to Downtown Nosara.

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New location for Samara police building remains uncertain

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Interview with Eliécer Rojas Flores, Rojas Castro Manager – “The pricing system was made by people sitting at desks.”

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Nosara Buses Might be Failing to Comply with the MOPT’s Regulations

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Reprimand for Local Buses“We have to use umbrellas so we don’t get wet inside the bus” according to Samara Passengers.

•The company’s manager feels ashamed and threatens to fire bus drivers that mistreat passengers

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Father’s Day Murder-Suicide Shakes Quiet Community of Las Delicias

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Family Protection takes the form of Man’s Best Friend?

Ask any parent what comes first in their lives and most will say it is the safety of their family, and living in Costa Rica that can be an even a higher concern because of the added dangers that living in the jungle present. However, some local families and individuals are discovering their peace of mind for protection comes in the form of man’s best friend. More >



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