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V National Shorebird Census Invite You to Learn

By Felipe Lopez

Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes

The fifth annual National Shorebird Census will take place next Saturday September 3rd and Nosara will be part of it. The National Ornithologists Union sponsors and organizes this activity, aimed towards monitoring the populations of this endangered group of birds in their wintering grounds. All those interested are welcome to participate and learn.

Shorebirds are usually amongst the first migratory birds to arrive in Costa Rica and depend on clean, healthy beaches and wetlands to spend their winter. Unfortunately, shorebird populations have drastically declined around the world, mainly from habitat destruction through human related activities like overdeveloping wildlife-sensitive areas, oil spills and unsustainable fishing techniques. Endangered species censuses are necessary to help determine the status of their populations and identify areas of importance for the birds.

Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpes
Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularia

An introductory briefing will be held on Thursday September 1st at 7p.m. at the “Ranchito” in the Harmony Hotel. There will be a short lecture on shorebirds and the logistics of the census will be discussed. Those interested in participating please contact Felipe López at 8392-4899 or Gerardo Bolaños at the Harmony Hotel (2682-1073)  


More Nature News

Third Beached Dolphin Found in Guiones
Dolphins Show Pattern of Neurological Disorders

Wednesday August 24, a third dolphin in 2 months was found beached and struggling in shallow waters on Guiones beach. The porpous, a full grown, male, striped dolphin, had been spotted at 1 pm by beach goers. Several attempts were made to return the dolphin to deeper waters in hopes that it could regain orientation. Each time the dolphin returned to the shore. 

SIBU’s Dilema: Shall There be Guests?

A fifth howler monkey was spotted tangled in electric lines this week. Brenda Bombard of Nosara Wildlife Rescue spotted the monkey hanging from the lines along Route 160 where it runs through Guiones. Despite a drop in numbers thanks to the recent insulation of more than 40 kilometers of electric line in the Nosara district, monkeys sustaining injury or death by electrocution continues. For the latest victim there is little hope, after falling from the lines the injured primate crawled into thick underbrush and disappeared before Brenda could rescue it. Alas, for a lucky few a happy ending is possible. 

Guiones a Blue Flag Beach for 9 Years in a Row

Thursday August 11, Guiones beach was awarded its ninth consecutive Bandera Azul Ecológica (Ecological Blue Flag). Beachgoers and school children looked on as the flag was proudly raised beneath a clear sky, nearly as blue. The flag symbolizes the continued effort of the community to maintain a clean and ecologically friendly beach area. Neighboring beach Pelada was also awarded the same environmental recognition.


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