We as humans should start caring more and improving on recycling. Did you know how much garbage we produce everyday? 4.3 pounds per person, which is 200 million tons per day, and only one quarter of that is recycled. 50 billion cans, 27 billion glass bottles, and 65 million plastics are thrown away every year. According to our research it takes 100-400 years for the trash to decompose. So, instead of throwing away all that amount of trash, reduce it, reuse it and recycle it.
Reducing can make your life easier and also help the earth. Reducing is making things smaller in size, amount and number For example, instead of throwing 7 plastic bags away you could make those 7 bags into 1 and it'll be less pollution to the world. There are many modern families that are reducing material that we produce.
Reusing is another way in which we could contribute to helping the environment. You could also practice these next steps at home. Plastics such as bottles could be reused like containers of water. Another idea is using all your organic waste from your kitchen to produce compost. “Remember, trash to someone could be gold to others.”