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Paving the Center of Nosara Gets Underway
• Development Association Provides Lodging and Food for MOPT Workers

By Wilberth Villalobos Castrillo
PHotoS by Giordano Campini
Asphalt has finally arrived for the streets in the center of Nosara. The wait was long, seeing as the project to pave the principle roadways of the community has been in the works since May of this year.

Since Wednesday, December 5th, workers from the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MOPT— Ministerio de Obras Publicas y Transportes) have been preparing the roadways and on Monday, the 10th, the pavement of one and a half kilometers will begin.  

Both Marcos Avila, president of the Nosara Integral Development Association (ADIN— Asociación Integral de Desarrollo de Nosara) and Luis Aiza, legislator from the National Liberation party (PLN—Partido Liberacion Nacional) confirmed that the stretch that will be paved starts at the EBAIS and will run from Rancho Tico restaurant until Super Nosara.  

Avila mentioned that a month ago members of ADIN met with the current chief of MOPT, Pedro Castro, to define the trajectory that would receive intervention, since the Association wanted two kilometers of roadway paved. 

However, Jose Nuñez, assistant to MOPT Engineer Julio Viales, clarified that currently only one kilometer has a paved surface, which is very deteriorated, and the remaining kilometer doesn’t have any sort of treatment, due to which the budget isn’t enough to asphalt the entire two kilometers.


Aiza confirmed that the budgeted amount exceeds 100 million colones ($200,000) and covers a kilometer and a half.

In addition, Nuñez said that the layer of asphalt that will be applied over the surface will be 7 centimeters thick.

For its part, the ADIN has supported giving lodging and food to the MOPT workers and operators, with the purpose of ensuring that the workers don’t have to travel long distances and thus be able to perform the labor in less time. 

“The Association made the offer voluntarily so the personnel (of MOPT) would work more hours. We arranged for them to stay at the house of Mr. Juan Manuel Alvarado, and businesses like Super Nosara and others have supported us with bags of rice and food. In addition, women from the Association have offered to work as cooks during the duration of the work,” explained Avila. 

Luis Aiza highlighted the effort of Nosarans. According to him, this time of support and unity isn’t common. He also assured that the work will take at least two weeks.   

“The Association has put a flower in the buttonhole with the effort and endeavor that they have made to collaborate,” affirmed Aiza.


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