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Elkhart, Indiana Youth Rotary Works in the Library
By Beverly Kitson

Elkhart Students: Molly, Chelsey, Taylor, Hilary, Megan, Jordan
3rd and 4th graders with Elkhart students

The 22nd of June saw the arrival of six recent high school grads representing the Youth Program of the Elkhart, Indiana Rotary Club. Along with their three chaperones, the young people worked for three days in the library, organizing and cleaning books and shelves and putting new books in the library inventory.

On there fourth day they came in the afternoon and read stories and drew murals with third and fourth graders, each person drew his/her favorite person, animal, singer, athlete etc. Some interesting artwork resulted and a good time was had by all. This is the fifth year that the Youth Program of the Rotary Club of Elkhart has chosen the Nosara library as their public service project. We are very thankful for their continued interest and support.


More Community News

Summer school in Samara by CREAR
Dreams come true for local kids

La Asociación CREAR just finished up another two weeks of camp with the children from two elementary schools in the Sámara area. As always, the camp was free to the local kids and provided a chance for supplemental learning during their time away from school. More >

Auction for the Arts: putting art supplies in local kids’ hands

Nosara – The children of all eight public schools in the Nosara area now have the means to expand their education through one of the oldest and most enriching creative outlets – Art.

The Surfing Nosara Foundation (SNF), and local art curator Nina Arias, worked together to raise nearly $4,000 at Nosara’s first annual Auction for the Arts event, which hosted nearly 100 attendees at the Vista del Paraiso Restaurant on June 26th. More >

Sámara’s Health Clinic Refurbished Community Festivities Produce Funds

Sámara’s public EBAIS health clinic has recently been renovated; a project funded “practically by the people”, according to EBAIS Sámara general practitioner Dr. Fulvio Paniagua. More >

LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Staging conceived under the notion of political jealousy

I am making use of my “right to respond”, in regards to an article published in the past edition of your newspaper, on page 32, and to which I will refer in the following way:

IN REGARDS TO WHAT WAS PUBLISHED: I understand the goal of journalism and its publications, but I believe that these must always be done in an objective manner and that what is being published must always be true. More >


Once upon a time there existed a beautiful area, set amongst the green lush tropical dry forest. Most of the inhabitants were happy with their peaceful lives until one day, an ogre decided to sell a piece of their property to a giant corporation to create a metal monster, only for their financial well being, and not taking into consideration the well being of those around them. More >





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