As April begins the energy is dynamic. A monumental beginning arrives with the new moon on the 3rd in Aries. Take stock of how you have gotten where you are, and what delivered you here… Take stock of how we have gotten here as a culture… Evaluate the use and misuse of resources, and think about how we might do things differently. Reevaluate how you balance yourself in relationship with others, and the life you lead. Our world needs to shift in a very real way – challenges are ahead, and we have to choose how to move forward. Look at who you are, or more importantly- what you are, and what you can give at this time.
Mars moves into Aries on the 3rd, delivering a boost of passion and vitality, giving us the courage to actualize our potential. Take a stand for what you intend to manifest, and deepen your level of commitment to it. Surround yourself with people who love and support your dreams, and make sure to champion your comrads' endeavors. Avoid stepping on toes, or bypassing others needs in order to reach your goals. Adopt a win/win attitude. Be careful not to bump your head, as accidents are likely.
Neptune moves into Pisces on the 5th. This long transit will offer us a heightened sense of higher truths such as forgiveness, compassion, faith and unity. Continue to listen within as your intuitive voice grows stronger. Allow wounds of separation to be healed. Focus on new modes of health and healing. Listen to music. Dance!
When Pluto turns retrograde on the 9th, begin to question who is in power. Watch important issues fall through the cracks, and question the necessity for structural transformation within government and society.
The full moon falls on the 18th in Libra, bringing the spotlight to our significant partnerships. Explore your intimate connections- are you honoring them? Do they honor you? Aim for peace and harmony, shared ideals, compromise and co-creation.
Mercury turns direct on the 22nd giving us the green light to spring forward into action! Be brave as you begin to create newness. You are everything you need to succeed.
Venus moves into Aries on the 22nd, making us playful and exuberant. Seek out excitement and enjoy the chase. Avoid jealousy and possessiveness. Find the balance between "you" and "me". Try not to take yourself too seriously.
Many blessings and pura vida!